Redemption on a global scale takes sacrifice. While we touch new levels there are always new devils. But unlike the charismatic era, when people began to see spiritually again for this first time in
centuries, and all the spiritual counselors were always telling you what the devil is up to, we are in a decisive epoch making period of Christian History where we can make prophetically accurate declarations.
We are not reactionary, but act on present revealed truth that is derived from an inherent and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ as He builds His church as only He can. Apostle Andre gives us some new insights into the love of God for mankind that will inspire generations to come to do all we can to reach out and make disciples of all nations through accurate networking.
With that in mind, the old annual report will become a transformed quarterly telescope into the expanding galaxy of Harvester International Ministries that often collides with new worlds and reveals greater glories by His grace. reaching new frontiers and establishing works in the face of challenging conditions. We welcome some new churches into our galaxy from Kenya.